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Municipality of Bač - Opština Bač




The Municipality of Bač is one of municipalities in the Republic of Serbia. It is located in the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, in the district of South Bačka. The municipality covers the area of 365 km2, and is located between the municipalities of Bačka Palanka and Odžaci on the east side, and Vukovar in  the Republic of Croatia on the other side of the Danube. According to the census from 2011, the municipality has 14.405 citizens, and most of them are agricultural workers. Bač  is also home for 16 ethnic minorities, and the official languages are Serbian, Slovakian and Hungarian.

The history of Bač starts in the bronze age. A sword from that period, found in the area of today’s town, is kept in Budapest. The whole region of Bačka is named after the ancient city of Bač. The first written testimonies of the city originate from the period of the Emperor Justinian, who mentioned Bač in one of his letters in the year  535.

2010 the Republic of Serbia submitted a nomination of Historical place of Bač and its surroundings on the Tentative list of UNESCO to be declared a UNESCO World Heritage site.



Municipality of Bač – Opština Bač:


Tourist organization of the Municipality Bač:


Bač Fortress:


Description of Historical place of Bač and its Surroundings included on Tentative list of UNESCO to be declared as the UNESCO World Heritage site -


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